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O Love the LORD, all ye his saints Psa. 3123.

“O Love the LORD, all ye his saints” (Psa. 31:23).
    We need to be prepared as the Bride of Christ so that we may appreciate and return the love of God. As we are we have little capacity to understand God’s love; we think of God only when we are in trouble or in need. As His Church He wants us to be co-workers with Him to gather the materials which He requires for the coming new creation. For this purpose, we should be able to discern what things really give Him Joy.
    Imagine a newly married couple. The young bride is very anxious to please her husband.  She will not take her food until her husband comes home. She is so zealous in her love for her husband. In many cases, after a few months, things become different; but those who are really joined together by the Lord will find their love increasing day by day. Even trials and difficulties fail to quench their love for one another, because it is not based upon their complexion and upon the wealth which they possess. They are joined together in a threefold manner, in a union of spirit, soul and body. “…a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Eccles. 4:12). Often family-happiness is made to depend upon sarees, or food, or earthly pleasures and possessions. That is why it does not last long and we find so many unhappy homes. A few days after the wedding, quarrels begin. Husbands and wife are not able to agree. If the husband says, “Let me go North” the wife says, “No, let us go South!” On the other hand, those who are joined together by the Lord have no need to argue: they go upon their knees to find God’s will. Their love for one another increases day by day.
    In the same way, when we are joined to the Lord Jesus as His Bride we learn to love Him, and as we grow spiritually our love increases. In the beginning, we might say, “LORD, these are the things I require. Thou art my loving Saviour, so give me all these things and satisfy my desires”. As we increase in spiritual understanding our prayer changes. Now we say, “Lord, what is Thy wish, what is Thy will? Tell me what things will please Thee, and I will do them”. It gives us great joy to please and satisfy our Lord. We obey Him, not out of compulsion, but with willingness. It becomes easy to obey the Lord because we have a full assurance that He knows more than we do. He knows the end from the beginning. His way is perfect, and He makes my way perfect. (Psa. 18:30, 32).

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”