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Why is God keeping me waiting for so long? to my Prayers!

Why is God keeping me waiting for so long? to my Prayers!

There are many different reasons why God lets us have to wait. This is commonly seen in the Bible. God makes a promise to his people, but it takes years for it to be fulfilled. Although it may not make sense to us, God always has a reason for delaying the fulfillment of his word.

Waiting seasons can be extremely aggravating. Days become weeks, weeks become months, and sometimes months become years. You're wondering why God makes you wait so long. I'd like to assist you in answering that question. This will not change the fact that you are waiting, but it will give you hope in this season and show you that your wait is not in vain.

Your brain makes the majority of its decisions without consulting you. Some of these decisions are not so insignificant. Many decisions necessitate weighing the evidence for various options before making a decision. Is that a tiger or not? Your brain appears to solve this elegantly and quietly: Your neurons add up evidence, calculate the best option, and instruct you on how to act without your knowledge."When you fix your thoughts on God, God fixes your thoughts."

"We must carry out our duties with integrity; without agitation or unrest, gently and peacefully bringing our thoughts back to GOD whenever we find them wandering away from Him."

The Bible says in Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." You will always make 99 percent of your own decisions when your mind is not guarded by God. If the Lord guards your mind and heart, your decisions will be insanely good, and the answers to your prayers will not be frustrating or make you wait a long time.


He's getting you ready for what he promised or what you prayed for.

God might be preparing you for what he said. Take, for example, King David. We know he was one of Israel's most prolific kings, but do we know how he came to be king? God made a promise to him when he was just a young shepherd boy. God revealed to David that he would be the next king through the prophet Samuel. But it took a long time. Why? God had to prepare David so that when he became king, he would know what it meant to be a king.

This could be one of the reasons you're waiting. God wants to prepare you for what he has promised before allowing you to enter it. He won't take you into a new season until he's certain you're ready. He is a good Father who does not set his children up to fail. He wants to bless us, but only when we are ready.


He is teaching you the virtue of patience.

God may then be teaching you patience. We often pray for patience while forgetting that the only way to become patient is to be patient. I know how difficult it is to be patient. However, good things take time.Unfortunately, we cannot have everything in our own thoughts; God's kingdom does not work that way. Surprisingly, the Bible compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a seed. It takes time for seeds to grow into trees. Similarly, God's plan for your life will necessitate patience.

Perhaps you're waiting because God wants to demonstrate how the Kingdom functions. God's good gifts take time. They, like seeds, require care and attention. God's gift to you is much more valuable than you understand.God desires that we press into his presence and patiently await his throne. Even if we're still waiting on a promise, he's calling us to come before him in thanksgiving.

Everywhere we look, people are trying to hand us solutions to problems immediately. However, good God-given blessings take time.


God wants to build your faith.

Maybe God is strengthening your faith. That is the foundation of our whole Christian belief system. We understand that pleasing God is impossible without faith. Yeah, that is impossible. Consequently, from time to time, God enables us to go through waiting seasons in order to strengthen our faith.

But, the faith he is building in this season is a profound trust in himself, not a superficial reliance in things. Hence, trust in anything other than God is void. Can you trust God is who he says he is even when you don't get your way? Can you put your faith in him when your prayer is not answered? When you've prayed and cried but nothing appears to change?

God wants us to stop putting confidence in things and start believing in him. Take the Job as an example. In the midst of suffering, Job could remark, "You give and take away, yet blessed be the name of the Lord." Can you praise God even if you never obtain what you want?

Everything in this world will fade away at the end of the day. Only the kingdom of God will endure. He wants to deepen your confidence in the Kingdom promise rather than merely the things you seek here on earth.


He wants you to focus on him rather than the promise.

Consider this: do you want the promise more than you desire God? He is aware of our emotions. He knows if he gives us what we want straight away, we'll forget about him. Thus, he allows us to wait sometimes. We learn to love God more than we love the things we want while waiting.

Abraham loved and trusted God so deeply that when God asked him to give up his only son, Isaac, he gladly agreed without hesitation. God spared Isaac because he intended to expose Abraham's real heart, not to take his life.

When you're ready to say, "Lord, I want these things, but they're not worth having if I don't have you," you're in a good position. Let me be honest: I have a lot of desires. But, none of them are worth sacrificing my connection with God. I may not have all I want, but if I have God, I have everything I need.


You're putting your faith in something God never promised.

You might be holding out for something God never offered, The fact is that many of us are holding out for a commitment that God never made. You may feel like you're waiting forever because you're truly waiting on something that God has rejected. Examine the Bible and your heart to discover whether this relates to you. You may confront some painful truths, but nothing is worse than wasting your life hoping for something God never promised.

A few weeks ago, I received a prayer request from the southern part of India. She purchased a lottery ticket and kept it inside the bible, praying for the prize to be granted to her. Do you think this kind of prayer will be answered? It may be possible for ungodly people, but those who trust in God do not do this kind of trust in God, it will not happen.

I believe this message clarified matters for you. Remain there if you believe God is making you wait. This will not persist indefinitely. If you allow him, God will empower you in the midst of this. This season is just as important as the one before it. Make the most of today so that when the promise comes, you'll be ready.

Isaiah 40:31 contains a great promise of strength for the weary: “they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” This offers supernaturally restored strength, comparable to flying like an eagle or sprinting without tiring. So what exactly does this imply, and how do we interpret it? We may benefit from the context of this passage.

Waiting on God is not passive; it is active. May God bless you all in Jesus Name, Amen

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”