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Last Call

It is because of You, Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, that I am able to live another day in the world that You have created. I am grateful to You for this privilege. Lord, there is a purpose for me having life, and there is a reason why You continue to keep me alive. I pray that one day I will be able to fulfill that purpose.  According to the Bible, the number of our days on earth is finite. Psalms 90:10 indicates that the years of our existence are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet, the span of those years is nothing but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away from it all. You brought me into this world for a reason, and everyone who came before me has flown away. Is it safe to assume that we have completed our mission, or that I have finished the work for which I was made? When my time comes, where will I be laid to rest? Where will I spend eternity—in heaven or in a hell that burns without end?

Lord, please give me the humility to acknowledge all that I have to be thankful for in my life. It appears that in this day and age, everyone is praying for something different, whether it be a career, a spouse, or a family. However, I wonder if I lived up to all the expectations placed on me in this life or if my prayers are only directed at my own personal wants and needs. Have I prayed for people who are in need, even if I am unable to provide them with any kind of material assistance? Have I prayed for them, or do I still mostly pray for myself and the things that I possess? Today, true testimonies are shaking, Lord, wrong doctrines are everywhere occupying our hearts, and our preachers are money-minded, not preaching on to save a sole rather than they are preaching on only Grace, You are a Gracious God, there is no doubt about that, and the way that I am going to get the Grace is by following Your commandments.

Lord, this earthly existence serves as a test for me to obtain eternal life because we didn't just happen to be born. There will be suffering, persecution, sickness, and doubt of the true God. How I respond to these challenges will determine whether I pass the test and enter eternal life. When I remain faithful to You, no matter how difficult the test, I pass. Lord, Your words show Your existence in this world. My eternal life is acceptable when I am faithful to You. Will it be enough to follow You faithfully, believe in You as a living God, and live as Your child? Many believe so, but what is important is how I use the talents that You give me to glorify You when You return. Lord, help us to remain all these, and let everyone ask, "What is the purpose of my life?" and "How am I using my talents to bring glory to You?" Lord, let me break my head today and ask if the purpose of my creation has been satisfied. Help us to understand, Amen.


“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”